News ..............
Making love is what I do best. Try me!!!!!
Please arrange a date and time via the email system on here or via text before making a booking
My breasts have started to develop, I'm sure you will enjoy them, my nipples love a good hard sucking and tweaking, my breasts love to bounce!
I have availability almost any time so please ask and I will try my best to be available for you xx
If you can't afford it please do not try to negotiate
I will not do 15 mins and 30 mins will only include limited activities and only if it suits me to do 30 mins
I'm starting to create my own little movies, posted right here on my AW profile. If you've any ideas of where to shoot or even if you fancy joining in with me, I would love to hear from you. Enjoy!

Location & Booking . . . . . .
Based just outside Lincoln in a private residence with discrete parking.
To make a booking, please email me via the AdultWork email system or text my mobile
Please note, my out call rates do not include an allowance for my travel which is dependent on how far you are from me.
About. . . . .
I am a sexy and very convincing Tgirl who loves to be out and about town. Outwardly I am classy and a princess, inwardly I love lots of forms of sexual play and can get really dirty if desired...!
I am only bottom but I'm happy for you to play with my cock and it may or may not get hard! If it does then it's quite a surprise - see my private pics!
I can take the lead if you wish, or you can, up to you just let me know.
I enjoy men who smell nice and kiss well.
I am 5' 11" without my heels.
I am friendly and easy to get on with. I have regularly seen first timers and always put them at ease very quickly.
While arranging our meets you may find my mails quite abrupt, please don't be put of by this, I just like to be factual so there are no misunderstandings.
I hope to see you soon xxx