Hullo Boys,
In central Orpington apartment looking for some fun and offering evening/overnight for £1k, from 7pm till 9am. Must include drinks and meal out
I like men, as I've got older my sex drive has risen and ruined relationships as I like cock! Cocks are like Mojitos ... one is never enough, so no more relationships and lets have fun ... and make some nice hard cash
Not PSE, do extra hours for dinning/company at a rate of £50 ph if we have a 'fun' hour as well.
I don't see pushy guys, so demanding emails senders are blocked. Please try and not be crude or stupid in your emails, I was here before and so many idiots, stupid questions .. just stupid remarks from assholes. Also if your big headed... not my thing! Guys make so weird requests that I am laughing so much I think I should do more pelvic floor exercise's!!
Amazed how many guys have a conversation with my auto-response!!!
My face is showing in the private areas, just not public
This site is so difficult, I cant manage to show my phone number, so please email
If my number is not showing, email me