I can serve you drinks or food at a party or I can do Handyman jobs for you, all naked. The only rules are everyone must be over 18 and all people must know I'm going to be there naked. Touching is allowed ie slap on the ass etc. YOU CAN BOOK ME FOR YOUR PARTY AND I WILL STRIP FOR YOU OR YOU CAN STRIP ME OR FOR THE MORE ADVENTUROUS I CAN PLAY HARD TO GET AND YOU CAN MAKE ME STRIP BY TAKING MY COLTHES OFF BY YOURSELF I WILL RESIST (but you will always win)
I am also a professional painter so i can do your painting naked.
If you have something in mind you would like from me it doesn't hurt to ask, the worst that could happen is that I say no, but i might say yes!
Maybe you would like a bit of role-playing for example you are security and i have to be searched, i can arrange for you to find something suspicious that you need to investigate and i can resist if wanted, maybe a spanking when you have me naked as punishment.
How it works: 1. You book 2. I turn up and immediately get naked 3. I get on with your painting while you have some fun.